




Message from Jeff

As biographies go, it has always been a difficult task for me to compose one. I always feel that my life has been better than most and worse than some. In some ways this type of composition almost seems repetitive as compared to others I have read over time. So to avoid that; 

I will start from the here and now and try to avoid the there and then. I have four wonderful children now; two from my previous marriage, and now two more with my new marriage. Having two boys and two girls is wrought with challenges and smiles. I would not trade either for anything in this earthly plane. Finding my new partner in life has given me that much more to aspire too. She is the one that will help me become the best I will ever be.Jeff Gunderson & The Diary of an Angel (1)

I have had some secondary education accumulating a degree or two; but, I have found life to be my greatest source of knowledge. I have seen things that I would love to share with the world. Yet; unfortunately, I have also seen things in this world that are not worth sharing. My current position in the career world is still largely based in construction. My travels have lessened substantially in my current position to the benefit of myself and my family. I have what some would say is a real job; 7-5 and I get to go home every night. I have no formal training in the arts. As is evident with my presence here, I do have an affinity for the written word. I have also had some moderate success as an author, painter and photographer. To wrap up a short story that is already getting to long I am compelled to leave with a final thought that is a great one; even if it isn’t my own, which comes from one of my favorite authors.

"What lies behind us and what lies before us,

 are tiny matters compared to what lies within us"


Ralph Waldo Emerson



keep-saying-it-jeff-gunderson magic-jeff-gunderson

The Moment of Seeing: 

Minor White at the California School of Fine Arts (Hardcover)

By: Deborah Klochko,  Jeff Gunderson, and Stephanie Comer

Keep Saying It 


By: Jeff Gunderson 



By: Jeff Gunderson 


His Poem About Love...



I would walk to the edge

of the

to feel

the sands of our

squish between our





© All rights reserved to the poetry and writings by Jeff Gunderson aka Jeff G

Copyright  © 5764  / 2004. All Rights reserved to the concepts, writings, poetry, photography and video art by Halkios. All thoughts sealed long ago in a contract with the universe. No recreation of these scrolls, in any shape or means of force, is tolerable without articulate consent of the intrepid architect.