



Terra Ark




In the land of the fallen; |halkography (c) Falling from Silence




There was Substance before Reason
There was Sunset before the Risen;
There was Silence before Sound;
There was darkness before Dawn;

In the land of the fallen; |halkography (c) "Falling from Silence"

The Fallen many; the Reason was one |
The Righteous and the Savage; are gone
The Silent Journey was about to begin

who are they now?
is it over the Now;
are we flying from the Quintessence;
to the Sentence of one Word... ?


Are we Falling; from Silence
to the Sound of them All

As we will heave the Abyss
we will balance the World


Halkios (c)


Its color is green. Its name is Terra Ark. It is the fourth plane  of the sacred city, bathed in the hues of green. They are 13 gates in this plane, all leading to 13 different realms through a passage.

Terra Ark


Evening Mist (Susan Morgan Bosler aka Morgan Lafey)

Morning Breeze (Susan Leeling aka Grandma Susan)

Dust In The Skies (Artistic Siblings)

On Solid Grounds (David Price)

Love (Shauna Alexander aka Ravin ~Never More *LWHP*)

Nouveau Gypsy (Lisa Daniel aka Nouveau Gypsy)

Themis (Themis Economo aka Themis)

Butterfly Trixy (Stacy Welch aka Trixy for Rabbits)

Trihordaki (Vaggelis Andronis

Storm Of Love (Jil Cram aka Inner Beauty)

Peace (Jean Pleshek

Many Paths (Lorrie Sarafin)

Golden Gate (Michael Wayne Holland aka SF Tiger)



Copyright  © 5764  / 2004. All Rights reserved to the concepts, writings, poetry, photography and video art by Halkios. All thoughts sealed long ago in a contract with the universe. No recreation of these scrolls, in any shape or means of force, is tolerable without articulate consent of the intrepid architect.