



halkography 028 ellys poem


Poetry from Elly

"In memory of Elly" 


Love's Friendship Scroll 



Though you never knew it you were my healing balm

Each of you, spirits shared, pouring out endless love 

Silencing my storms, your grace bringing welcomed calm 

Friends so unique, like stardust sprinkled from above 



The many laughs and tears we've shed I held dear 

Your words carefully mine to cherish and weigh 

Always turning my bluest day to sunshine and cheer 

Your wisdom I have placed into my heart to forever stay



Think not I ever took one single moment for granted 

Tucked away eternally you are etched upon my soul

I was always listening, your seeds of kindness firmly planted 

And each of you reside there still, on love’s bright friendship scroll 


by Elly




A Jupiter Tear


I dreamed of you last night.

You were flying ever so high

Soaring in the cosmos light

On a voyage across the sky

I watched you travel high and low

Searching far above land and sea

Then I saw your hands aglow

As you flung a star back down at me

You sprinkled magic dust upon my raven hair

Brushed a single moonbeam across my waiting lips

Dropped a Jupiter tear to my bosom with great care

Gracing me with wonder of this your maiden trip

I dreamed of you last night


by Elly




I walk this road with you 

A stony path

My feet dirty and bruised

With grit and resolve

To what will be

Your voice and eyes 
When you cannot see

Both your days of pain 
Nights of faintest laughter

Your grace and courage flow

evermore my soul to hold

Forever I will treasure
Unconditional, without measure
each long step we took

to this our fated destiny

You are now and always will be
The better part of me


by Elly


© All rights reserved to the  poetry and writings by Elly

(back to Artistic Siblings)


The names of all who contributed to this project are  listed below:



Rosie Daffern from Hartshill

Rainier Consunji from Davao City   

Vasilis Metaksas from Nicosia 

Efi Andrianou from Kakopetria

Dawn Mils from Hartshill

Demetris Fyrios from Athens

Fiona Joy Hawkins from Tamworth

Annamarie Buonocore from San Francisco

Wendy Milne from Tampa

Stephany Borders  from Santee

Danai Skaraki  from Benghazi

Stacy A. Foster from Dearborn Heights

Diana Mavroleon from London

Takako Itoh aka "Takako" 孝子 from Beppu City

Antonis Kourakis from Hania

Giannis Tsironidis from Komotini

Maryann Corrigan aka Why I Otter from Pittsburgh

Jens Einsmann from Vienna

Shirley Alexander  from Nicholson

Christos Psallas  from Larisa

David Melville  from Ranier

Anna Konstantinoglou  

Kostas Konstantinoglou 

Mary Kamari from Athens

Dafni Lazopoulou from Cairo

George Vlahakis from Benghazi

Kyrini Yasin

Flora Kataleifou from Cairo

Dia Oikonomou from Cairo

Eleni Papadopoulou from Herakleion

Giannis Vlassis

Nena Karatzalidou from Istanbul

Ourania Leivadara from Benghazi

Mary Sayanou from Benghazi

George Tsolkas from Athens

Anthi Bouziani from Thessaloniki

Anna Papafilippou from Benghazi

Steven Castle aka Australian Prince from Peterborough

Barbara Kausteklis aka Barbara K from Scotia

Susan Leeling aka Grandma Susan from Crawford

Colleen Keller Breuning from Hagerstone

Faika Yalvac from Nicosia

Spyros Kaminaris from Athens

Maxim and Lilian from Iliadnov

Ioanna Podaras

George Metaksas

Thalia Metaksa

Ioanna Ioannou

Koulis Adamou

Maria Panaretou

Katia Demetriou

Dorita Vasileiou

Niki Alexandrou

Titos Christodoulou

Christina Georgiou

Vasilis Metaksas

Stelios Potehin


Artistic Siblings

People I met on my path during the Journey through the Land of Venus





Copyright  © 5764  / 2004. All Rights reserved to the concepts, writings, poetry, photography and video art by Halkios. All thoughts sealed long ago in a contract with the universe. No recreation of these scrolls, in any shape or means of force, is tolerable without articulate consent of the intrepid architect.