




Mary and Connie

Message from Connie

I met Halkios when he wanted to create a literary book of poetry from all over the world showing poetry was alive and well. It was an honor to be asked to write a poem for this project. I first met Halkios on Myspace social network along with a large group of writers and poets. So many talented poets whose poems are rich visual writings that spark one's emotions and brought poetry alive. Because poetry seemed to have lost its place since the great poets, many Angel's wanted to be a part of this project to help introduce poetry in many different ways, especailly with the hope more children in school would see how wonderful poetry can be in the modern sense. Myspace was the first social network that brought poets and writers together and I have to say, we all have learned more about poetry and writing poetry. Another site came along called Facebook where many people socialize and write. It has been the social networks who have sparked people writing who would never be able to share their writings. Many of the poets who have written in the Angel's Diary live all over the country and also, other countries. There are two special Angels who have personaly carried the Angel's Diary to many across the United States as they travel in their motor home. I do believe this is a first ever that such a devotion to poetry has been exemplified by poets. Being a grandmother, I have always written for pleasure and continue to enjoy poetry. I am not a known poet but I am a poet connected to many other poets who love poetry. The Diary Of An Angel is a jorney of love and one day, I hope many will have the opportunity to read The Diary Of An Angel and meet everyday people who are talented and dedicated to the literary world we live in. 


© All rights reserved to the  poetry and writings by Connie Hearin Anderson

Copyright  © 5764  / 2004. All Rights reserved to the concepts, writings, poetry, photography and video art by Halkios. All thoughts sealed long ago in a contract with the universe. No recreation of these scrolls, in any shape or means of force, is tolerable without articulate consent of the intrepid architect.