




Short Stories

SEAHORSE THEME | All Chapters | Halkography, Kurt Anderson, Kel's Photography

Prince of the Moon


Blogs from Halkios | 2011

January 25 2011

There is no darkness | halkography (c)


Blogs from Halkios | 2010

September 20 2010

Chapter 23 | The Art of Orange, Shirley Alexander Passage | Hues of Peach (now open)

August 31 2010

The Art of Orange | Tangerine Dream, Chapter 22 of the Diary of an Angel | Nancy Lee (now close

August 7 2010

Lover's Nocturne | halkography (c) and a Halkoem

June 23 2010

Poets' Round Table No. 178 ~ As the world turns ~

June 5 2010

The Art of Orange | Brothers in Art - now OPEN

May 1 2010

The Art of Orange | Wendy's Florilegium (now open)

April 19 2010

Praying for the Rain | A Short Elegy

April 16 2010

The Art of Orange| Colleen Breuning Chapter 18th ol the Diary of an Angel

April 13 2010

Wounds & the Place | halkography (c)

May 28 2010

Walking on Sunshine | The “Will-Tree” of Life Halkography (c)

May 24 2010

Walking on Sunshine | The “Will-Tree” of Life , Blogophilia 4.3

May 16 2010

Concerning Mary Ska| Prayers needed

Mar 15 2010

The Art of Orange| Orange Floor in the Orange State (now open)

Mar 1 2010

Summer's TwiLight Halo with Halkoem | halkography (c)

February 28 2010

The Fall | halkography | self 2010 (c)

February 24

Last Night's Shift | The Feather Returns halkography (c) The Story of Anchor |aRkto

February 23 (repost dedicated to Arkto) last poem to You | halkios and poetic extracts from arkto

January 23

the streets of goodbye are no longer mine | halkography (c)

Feb 1 2010

I want your Love... Repost Collaboration with Mary Ann, my Strawberry Love

January 31 2010 (repost)

The Moonrose | Aspect, Prospect, Concept | adult content

January 23 2010

the streets of goodbye are no longer mine | halkography (c) 2010

January 25 2010

Adam and the Tree | If Life is a River, I am the Rain

January 1 2010

Poetry "The Epitom" | halkography (c) ]Happy New Year With Friends


Blogs from Halkios | 2009

December 22 2009

Still waiting for Xmas

December 13 2009

Tears of an Angel | halkography (c) 2009

December 1 2009 (repost for Dj Michael)

When I first heard you | For my Brother Michael

November 29 2009

An Angel's Dawn | can you hear me, I am falling | halkography (c)

November 29 2009

The Angel's Nest, halkography (c) (building a nest -slide show)

November 23 2009

The Purpose of my Life | halkography (c) 2009

November 21 2009

Ik And Tu | Poets' Round Table no. 142

November 15 2009 (repost)

The Story of Shahar

November 14 2009

~ Until We Meet Again ~ Poets Round Table No. 141

November 13 2009

My Parents Anniversary | Our Favorite Tango 54th

November 10 2009

Miss Shizaru | by Halkios | Blogophilia 37.2

November 9 2009

The Fountain of the Land of the Fallen | halkography (c)

October 27 2009

Adore | Halkography (c)

September 28 2009 (repost)

Dice 2 Ashes | The Story of the Anchor

September 17 2009

Fire and love by Michael & Halkios | Lonnie & Kypros

September 8 2009

The Process of Falling | Halkios (c)

September 6 2009

Summer's TwiLight Halo | halkios 2009 (c)

August 25 2009

The Goddess of Love | Birthday Wish Halkios (c) 2009

July 31 2009 (repost)

The Stone of Thousand Dreams | Trilogy | The Unspoken 4 Yannis

June 13 2009 (repost)

I haven't got a face | Thousand Years ago | The Two Palms

March 29 2009


March 26 2009 (dedicated to Yannis)

The Diary of | Ann " I want your Love forever..."

March 22 2009

Collaborations Review 2008 - 2009

March 18 2009

The Life in the Trash Bay | halkography (c)

March 13 2009

Dahlia's Sun Garden by Halkios ft. Dahlia

March 15 2009

Sole Isle | halkography (c)

March 13 2009

Faded memories & Lucid dreams

Thorns Twisted in responce to Jessie | (a passage from the Diary of an Angel)

Solitude | Halkios & halkography (c)

A Fool | Halkios & halkography (c) | (a passage from the Diary of the Serpent)

The Ring is gone | Halkios "Passage from the Diary of a Serpent"

Halkoems Review | 2008 - 2009

March 3 2009

new journey | the streets of Destiny

February 24 2009

Eyes & Hands

February 18 2009

SEAHORSE THEME | All Chapters | Halkography, Kurt Anderson, Kel's Photography

February 15 2009

The Streets of Goodbye by Halkios

February 7 2009

Copper Gulls by Halkios | Halkography (c) Mary Ann's Corrigan Poetry


Blogs from Halkios | 2008

December 15 2008 (repost)

I think, I can a Halkoem - Anniversary

November 25 2008

The Three Lyres present "Diffuse"

Aust 1 2008

Exile - Halkoem I


2007 - 2009


Blogs from the Angel's Nest 2007 - 2009






Aspect, Prospect, Concept | The Angel's Nest Review Passage I

Aspect, Prospect, Concept | The Angel's Nest Review Passage II

Aspect, Prospect, Concept | The Angel's Nest Review Passage III

Aspect, Prospect, Concept | The Angel's Nest Review Passage IV

Aspect, Prospect, Concept | The Angel's Nest Review Passage V

Aspect, Prospect, Concept | The Angel's Nest Review Passage VII

Aspect, Prospect, Concept | The Angel's Nest Review Passage VIII

Aspect, Prospect, Concept | The Angel's Nest Review Passage IX

Aspect, Prospect, Concept | The Angel's Nest Review Passage X

Aspect, Prospect, Concept | The Angel's Nest Review Passage XI

Aspect, Prospect, Concept | The Angel's Nest Review Passage XII

Aspect, Prospect, Concept | The Angel's Nest Review Passage XIII

Copyright  © 5764  / 2004. All Rights reserved to the concepts, writings, poetry, photography and video art by Halkios. All thoughts sealed long ago in a contract with the universe. No recreation of these scrolls, in any shape or means of force, is tolerable without articulate consent of the intrepid architect.